A word from the Author


The Notebook...


A few months ago, just prior to the Presidential election, I was asked to share a series of studies on "Praying for Presidents".


It actually began with my partici-pation in an online prayer group, a small number of concerned Christ- ians, who had banded together to intercede on behalf of our Country and its leaders.


As it turned out, I had already prepared a series of messages on that very subject many years ago while serving as a missionary in Peru, South America.


Although they were first developed and delivered in Spanish over half a century ago, their appropriateness for the recent Presidential race seemed obvious.


So, when asked by the prayer circle leader to share those same studies with the group, I welcomed the opportunity to revise and update the material for presentation as an "online" study series.







Contact: Info@insites.us

Last update 10/2/16




"Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth." II Timothy 2:15

For all Scripture is given by inspiration of God...II Timothy 3:16


Below are links to various Bible studies compiled from singles seminars, sermon notes, marriage and family seminars, college retreats and home Bible studies.   While all of the material listed below is available in hard copy, only the first set of linked selections is ready for online viewing.   As revision on the other topics are completed, a "Click Here" button will be added to link you up with that particular study.


Thanks for your patience and may God richly bless you as we study His Word together.



Praying for Presidents Series.....


Insights - New Testament Nuggets.....Insites


Home Bible Study "Facts of Life"...   Insites 


On the drawing board:


Marriage and Family Seminar Material


Couples Communication Work Shop


Finding God's Will for your life


Dealing with Depression


Science and the Scriptures 




What a great study and encouragement to pray not only so that our leaders will have Godly wisdom but also so that we can live out our faith peacefully and others can come to know Jesus and His grace and forgiveness. Yes! I would love to hear more and have the link for your website. Thanks again for sharing your wisdom with us. I'm looking forward to
learning more on your website and reading your book when it come out. Praying with thankfulness!

We want you to know that we learned SO MUCH from your studies on prayer. In fact, we are going to read them over again and again so that the truths will sink in to our minds. It has already made a big difference in how we view God as we pray and how thanking in advance is key to answered prayer for our country, its leaders and for us individually. These studies are a priceless gift to all of us and we really cannot express the gratitude in our hearts for all the time and effort you expended to create them for our group. We believe all Christians would benefit from these studies. We especially like the way you drew us in, explained the context, then used word pictures and explanations that make the concepts come to life which makes them easier to remember.   We would like to have the information about accessing your website to see the expanded teachings. It was exciting to read how the Lord miraculously worked in Peru! We are thanking our Heavenly Father that He will work in our nation so that we can live quiet and peaceful lives.


Just a quick note to tell you how much I enjoyed your lessons on prayer. It's been a long time since I've heard you speak at Calvary Baptist, but as soon as I began reading the first email, I could almost hear your voice. But even beyond a great stroll down memory lane, your lessons were so appreciated for a number of reasons:
1. So timely for our prayer group
2. Each lesson had a depth that begged for further research and study
3. Your questions were so thought provoking, initiating many good discussions with my hubby
4. I found something new within each lesson with every reread
5. I felt challenged to take my prayer life to a new level
6. LOVED the word study.....new for me. So rich in meaning
7. I know I said a short note, so I'll stop here by saying I only wish I had the words to tell you how much this series has meant to me. I'm sure it required a great deal of effort on your part, but the selfish part of me would love to hear/read more.   Thank you for everything!


I am thanking the Lord for what is beyond Lesson 6! I  I'm thinking there must be more old notes that might need to be dusted off and tried out on us. (Or I am ok with new studies.) I'm praying with thanksgiving that there is more wisdom we can glean from Dr Russell. Hope you are not trying to be retired Dr Russell!   With thanksgiving!

This lesson was so good for me. It help me look at my faith and my prayers. I always give God thanks in my prayers, but my thanksgiving will have a deeper mean now. I am thankful for this lesson.   Oh, Dr Russell, the "tempted to digress" part is why you should make this into a book- so we can all "digress" with you. I am sure you have so much more to share! What is your website?   Thanks for doing this for us. I look forward to each and every one of these and am sad when I hear you say "6th and final installment." I am learning a lot!

Just read this to my husband. So helpful and encouraging- and timely. It did make me dig a bit more but I need it. I loved this word study! I had never heard the meaning of those words in such depth. I felt like I kept saying, "Oh, that's what that meant." When I studied French in France after college, someone asked me my favorite part of studying French. My answer: "The words!" I loved learning what they really meant. Thank you for reminding me of that today and encouraging us to pray with more wisdom and insight.   Keep going! Don't change anything for me!


I love that we are continuing and so grateful for what Dr. Russell shared. Can't wait to hear more. As I was reading it I kept thinking, "He needs to write a book out of this!" His 1963 story on the foundation of Scripture is so powerful and timely for today and our own situation. I'm praying that as he dusts those notes off he will write a book out of it. I have an idea we are not the only ones who needs to hear what he has to share!

While focusing on 1 Timothy 2:1-4, I realized I am choosy who I pray for and made a list of "all people". There are so many that I don't ask God to "help them", "give thanks for them" or "intercede on their behalf". Here is the list I came up with...elderly, mentally ill, handicapped, terrorists, criminals, drug sellers, homeless, addicted, abusers, depressed, immigrants, world/national/local leaders, judges, police, firefighters, medical people, business owners and employees, military, teachers, pastors and staff, friends, family, neighbors. Very convicted to pray for all these people.




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